Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (Jn 14:27)

Jesus promised us joy, peace and freedom, but many of us experience depression, anxiety and bondage. Looking deeper into our lives allows us to go deeper into our relationship with Jesus. This summer, we’ll go deeper into how the love of God releases us into the personal wholeness He promises.

We have created a guide to help take you through our summer series. Take notes, find additional resources, and engage in personal reflection to make your experience deeper.

Download Link for Guide

If you need them, a pastor is available for additional support Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Drop by Central Campus or call 403-293-3900.


Many of us love Jesus, and have made Him the centre of our lives, but we still experience anxiety, fear and discouragement in our lives. This week we start our new summer series, “Beneath the Surface: Following Jesus into Mental and Emotional Wholeness” with Ken Dyck, founder and executive director of Freedom Session. Ken will be helping us to dive into the important topic of mental health, and how we, as followers of Jesus, can experience healing for ourselves and help others.

This week, we’ll begin this journey of exploration – thinking about the challenges that can get in the way of our flourishing. We’ll consider what scripture has to tell us about the life that God has for us and the steps we can take to deal with our inner lives in light of His truth. Join us as we begin to enter into a life of freedom.

Small Group Discussion Guide

On Your Own Exercise

This week we’ll look at the most foundational relationship of our lives – our relationship with our heavenly Father. God made us, and because of that fact, we are the objects of His unchanging affection.

God reveals Himself to people who genuinely seek Him through Jesus, and through Jesus our desire for a relationship with the Father is possible. This week we will think about how we receive the love God pours out on us and how we can enter into a deeper relationship with Him.

Small Group Discussion Guide

On Your Own Exercise

This week we’re continuing our series “Beneath the Surface: Following Jesus into Mental and Emotional Wholeness.” We’ll be taking a look at the life of Joseph from Genesis 37-44 and then focus on chapter 45.

Throughout his life, Joseph experienced significant trauma at the hands of people he should have been able to trust. God helped and healed Joseph in the areas where he had experienced trauma and used him incredibly to show the goodness of God to his family and many other people. This week, we’ll consider how we can follow in Joseph’s footsteps – finding a healthy resolution to our trauma.

Small Group Discussion Guide

On Your Own Exercise

In Matthew 18, the disciple Peter approaches Jesus to ask Him about forgiving others. Peter approaches Jesus with the assumption that there are limits to forgiveness – one person can only forgive so much. In response, Jesus tells Peter a story that provides an insight into God’s forgiveness and makes it clear that there are no boundaries on forgiveness.

This week we pick up our series, “Beneath the Surface: Following Jesus into Mental and Emotional Wholeness” by digging into Jesus’ teaching and learning how we can begin to understand what God has done for us in Jesus and begin to apply the forgiveness we have received to the people around us.

Small Group Discussion Guide

On Your Own Exercise

Unresolved conflict takes up a tremendous amount of mental and emotional energy. Our culture often advises us that in conflict situations, it is best to dissolve the relationship. This is a temporary solution at best that leaves us with emotional wreckage. In Matthew 5, Jesus makes it clear that being reconciled with the people around us is vitally important in our walk with Him.

Luke 19 describes an encounter between Jesus and Zacchaeus. Because of his meeting with the Lord, and as a result of the interest and concern Jesus had for him, Zacchaeus committed to making things right with anyone he had harmed. Making things right with others is an essential part of being set free and being made whole.

Small Group Discussion Guide

On Your Own Exercise

Dale Carnegie once said that, “A person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Our name is the word for who we are, it is the symbol of our identity. In Scripture, names have huge significance because they provide such a critical clue to who we are. Think of names like Abraham, Isaac, or the most important name of all – Emmanuel - that spoke to who the person was and how they would act in the world.

Most of us carry around names beyond the one we were given when we were born. Some are good, and some are not so good. These are things we believe about ourselves based on what we’ve experienced or what we’ve been told. This week we will wrap up our summer series with a message entitled In Search of a New Name and will look at how God will give us an identity rooted in the work and righteousness of Jesus.

Small Group Discussion Guide

On Your Own Exercise

For some, the teaching and exercises in this series will be enough to get you walking on a path of mental, emotional and relational wholeness under the Lordship of Jesus. Please share this series and your story with those around you. Many of those whom God has placed you in a position to influence need to hear the messages you have enjoyed.

Freedom Session

Freedom Session is a 28-week in-depth discipleship journey that helps people work through significant issues in their lives and find greater forgiveness and healing. Click below for more information and to apply. There is also a Freedom Session Sampler; a 7-week introduction to Freedom Session for those who aren’t ready or able to commit to the full program. It will take place this fall, and registration will be available on the website soon. 

More Information

Taste and See

It is always a good idea to connect with a safe, spiritually mature person in your life and begin to share with them what is happening for you. You can also share with your small group or missional community. To get started in community, click below for more information.

More Information

Encounter God

Encounter God weekends are also a great way to deepen your relationship with Jesus and find healing for wounds and pain in your life. Click Below for more information.

More Information

If you need them, a pastor is available for additional support Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Drop by Central Campus or call 403-293-3900.


Here are a few books that may help you on your healing journey. All these titles are available at CSC Books.

    Peter Scazzero:

      • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
      • Emotionally Healthy Leadership

      Geri Scazzero:

      • The Emotionally Healthy Woman

      Neil Anderson:

      • Victory over the Darkness
      • The Bondage Breaker
      • Freedom from Addiction