Events & Classes

Young Adults Fall Retreat

calendar Sept 27 - 29
clock 6:00 pm
location Southern AB Bible Camp

Young Adults! We are looking forward to an exciting Fall Retreat! This year we are combining with other young adults from Calgary to Lethbridge for our first ever—never done before—Young Adults Retreat at Southern Alberta Bible Camp.

Community is God’s design for us. He specifically designed us to thrive when we are in community with others! So, let’s connect, learn about God together and have some FUN!

Dates: Sept 27-29

Cost for the weekend: $120

A 2-night weekend away to…

  • Connect with others passionate about pursuing Jesus!
  • Build deeper connections and friendships.
  • Learn from God’s Word.
  • Experience God’s presence through chapel times, Worship, Prayer & Workshops
  • Play games, laugh, and enjoy fun outdoor indoor activities.

Highlight: Saturday Night Banquet (dress code and/or theme to be revealed!!)

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