Events & Classes

Monday Night Evangelism (MNE)

calendar Mon, March 3
clock 6:30 PM
location Bridgeland
Image for Monday Night Evangelism (MNE)

We meet to worship, pray, then hit the streets with the best news on the planet, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is an exciting ministry where the power of God continues to impact lives, just like in the book of Acts.

Currently, we meet every Monday night at Centre Street Church’s Bridgeland Campus at 6:30pm. There we prepare for the night in worship, prayer, and training before we head out to the streets.

MNE is for the church of Calgary. We currently have people from 25 different churches joining us. We truly are the body of Christ and love our brothers and sisters in Christ from all biblically rooted denominations!

Opportunities are always available for:

  • One-to-one conversations,
  • Praying for people,
  • Open-air preaching,
  • Tract distribution,
  • Worship/singing,
  • Serving food,
  • Backing the ministry in prayer, and more.

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