Events & Classes

Ironmen of Prayer/Warpath/Conquer Series

calendar Mon, May 13
clock 7:00 PM
location Central

Date: Mondays 7:00 pm, starting September 18, 2023

Ironmen of Prayer

An opportunity for men to gather and pray for CSC and its leaders, Ironman Men's Ministries, and each other. All men welcome!



Winning the Battle for Sexual Integrity

Warpath equips men for battle so they can remain free for life. You will learn how to retrain your brain, become destiny conscious, overcome childhood wounds, and reverse the damage from unhealthy behaviors. Discover tips and strategies to reclaim your marriage, walk through the steps for healthy disclosure, and minimize collateral damage. It is recommended that you first complete "The Conquer Series".



Conquer Series: Real, Proven Strategies For Living a Life of Freedom and Purity

  • Explore strongholds that keep men in bondage
  • Examine the neurochemistry of addiction and discover the weapons and strategies of God

For every man wanting to gain freedom and remain free/wanting to help men walk in purity and God's favour.