Events & Classes

Major Religions Online Training

Image for Major Religions Online Training

Grow in your understanding of three major world religions: Hinduism, Islam & Buddhism. Some of the questions we will be looking at are:

  1. What are the core beliefs and how they differ from Christianity?
  2. What are the common talking points to begin conversations?
  3. What are the confrontations you want to avoid? (at least initially)
  4. What traditionally has been the strategy to reach them?
  5. What are some key areas where workers are still needed?
  6. What are some basic things we can do in our own neighbourhoods to reach them?

Be equipped to reach out to your neighbours here in Canada and across the world!


  • Introduction to Hinduism: Wednesday February 26, 7 pm
  • Introduction to Islam: Wednesday March 12, 7pm
  • Introduction to Buddhism: Wednesday March 26, 7pm

Register Here!