Parents have the greatest impact on their child's spiritual development, and we want to journey with parents as we build spiritually healthy homes together.
Simply put, a child dedication is an act of choosing to place your child in God’s hands and publicly trusting God to do a good work in the life of your child. A Child Dedication is a special event in the life of your family, and it fulfills 3 purposes:
1. Publicly thanking God for the gift of your child and surrendering them to God.
2. Publicly committing to raising your child in the ways of Jesus so that, in God's timing, they will make a decision to follow Him.
3. Inviting friends, family, and the church community to commit to supporting you as you raise your child to know, love, and follow Jesus.
Child Dedications happen multiple times throughout the year at all campuses, either as a smaller group dedication ceremony or in our main worship services.
To have your child dedicated at Centre Street Church, we ask that parents have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are regular attendees of CSC worship services.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there an age requirement for a child dedication?
No, parents can dedicate their children anytime. Most commonly, children are dedicated anywhere from 1 month old to 1 year old. What matters most isn’t age, but a parent’s desire to lead their children in the ways of Jesus.
Is there a cost for a child dedication?
There is no charge for child dedication ceremonies.
Can godparents or family members be invited?
While we don’t have a specific role for godparents at dedication ceremonies, we encourage parents to invite family members and friends who are part of their community. It is a powerful symbol of the support and encouragement parents need to raise children well.
What is the difference between a baptism and child dedication?
Some churches practice infant baptism where they pour water on a baby's head during a ceremony to baptize them. Centre Street Church does not baptize infants as we believe baptism is for those who have made a personal decision to trust Christ alone for their salvation at a time when they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means. A Child Dedication does not secure your child's salvation. It is the first step in trusting God for the day when your child may come to a personal decision of faith and relationship with God through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Centre Street Church believes in following the Biblical example of parents bringing their children to God, thanking God for them, and committing to leading their child in the ways of Jesus Christ in a God honouring way.
Would you like to be part of a Group Dedication or an In-Service Dedication at your campus?
Sign up using one of the links below and we'll be in contact soon!
Group Dedications:
Central May 31 - 2025
Bearspaw March 30 - 2025
In-Service Dedications:
In-service dedication